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Alyssa Bronstein
Alyssa Bronstein

New Headway Beginner Students Book Cd Download !!TOP!!

Course content and characteristics: The course is focused on practical skills, i.e. learning to use basic phrases and commonly used expressions in the spheres of shopping and health. The students have the chance to encounter for the first time the grammatical phenomena known as the subjunctive, which at this level serves as an expression of instruction/order. The recommended primary material is the Fiesta I classbook, lessons 7-8 Similarly to in the previous course, classes in Spanish 3 are supplemented by additional material which aid intensity of language practice. In addition to the already mentioned secondary materials, see Spanish 2, material is also drawn from Dual, Aprende, Curso intensivo de español, etc.

new headway beginner students book cd download


Course content and characteristics: All students will have the opportunity to form their thoughts and use their language knowledge within the bounds of a compulsory presentation in Spanish. The recommended primary material is the Fiesta I classbook, in particular repetition of lessons 9-11 supplemented by lesson 10. Secondary materials are similar to those used in Spanish 4, and are constantly updated according to what the literary market offers.

Content and Approach: Continuing from F2 and dealing with lessons 7-9 of the Connexions classbook 1. By the end of the course the students will be able to express their thoughts in the past tense (le passée composé) and form and use the imperative (limpératif). Supplementary exercises, francophone culture and habits.

Content and Approach: Repetition of the language skills dealt with in F1, new grammar and vocabulary from lessons 4-6 of the Connexions classbook 1. By the end of the course, the students will be able to express their thoughts in the future tense (le futur proche). Supplementary exercises, francophone culture and habits.

Content and Approach: This summer semester closes the series of French courses with the completion of the Connexions classbook II. After completing the course the students will be familiar with the use of the three basic past tenses in French (le passée composé, limparfait, le plus-que-parfait). Fluent and independent expression of thoughts. Supplementary materials, francophone culture and habits.


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